High school grammar that’s fast, easy, fictional fun!
Autocorrect is a failure. That’s why the creators of Grammar Galaxy developed the Fast Grammar program.
After completing Fast Grammar training, students will be part of an elite team of autocorrectors. Behind the scenes, without a user’s awareness, they will be correcting mistakes. To serve in this critical role, they will have to master grammar so corrections can be made in real time.
The Level 1 training regimen is for high school students with little background in grammar or those who need review.
The Level 2 training regimen is for high school students who have learned the basics and are ready for advanced grammar and test preparation.
The four missions per operation may be completed in one session or on four separate weekdays to reinforce the learning. Completing 1 of the 32 operations or 4 unit tests per week will contribute to an English credit for an academic school year (36 weeks).
Each operation begins with a Fast Facts section. Students review the section, write examples, and complete an exercise. Then they’ll interact with a client. The client communications are simulations being used to prepare students for real-time autocorrection.
- In their first mission, they will receive a text update from your client. Knowledge of clients’ intentions will allow trainees to make accurate corrections.
- In the second mission, they will receive a graphic to help them remember the difference between commonly confused words.
- In the third mission, they’ll be asked to use what they’ve learned up to that point in their training to review the client’s writing.
- In the fourth mission, we’ll ask trainees to correspond with the client and practice what they’ve learned.
Fast Grammar is the painless way to improve your student’s grammar.
Request a complete sample of Fast Grammar 1 here:
Fast Grammar 1 sampleRequest a complete sample of Fast Grammar 2 here:
Fast Grammar 2 sample