Mission 1: Satire & Censorship

Clean Saturday Night Live clips that teach satire

Satire Reading Comprehension Worksheets (FREE on TPT)

Mission 2: Fact-Checking

How to Fact-Check the Internet

The Great Cursive Writing Debate

Pros & Cons of Standardized Testing

Mission 3: Science Reading

Gravity Worksheets

Planetarium videos

Best meteorite falls video

Best earth impact craters

Crater experiment

Crater experiment video

Mission 4: Theme

Theme Worksheet


The Fable of the Wise King

Note: The video above contains references to a spirit and “gods” 

Ella Enchanted book or movie


Pond5 stock photos

Mission 5: Symbolism

Symbolism worksheets

Mission 6: Tone & Mood

Tone & Mood worksheets

Mission 7: Point of View

Point of View worksheets

Mission 8: Foreshadowing & Flashback

Foreshadowing/Flashback Quiz

Mission 9: Movies as Literature

Movies as Literature film list

Best Movies for Middle School

Your parent/teacher must approve the movie.



Mission 10: Phonetic Spelling

Create Your Own Phonics Dictionary

Print Phonetic Dictionary

Word-Speller App

Mission 11: Foreign Words

Latin spelling words

French spelling bee words

German spelling bee words

British vs. American spelling

Mission 12: Writing with Numbers

Numbers in text worksheet

Mission 13: Hyphens

Hyphens and dashes worksheets

Digital Notecards free download

Notestar (requires an account)

Mission 14: Confused Vocabulary

Lie/Lay practice

Mission 15: Slang & Jargon

Slang worksheet

Mission 16: Idioms

Idiom Dictionary – use with teacher permission

Mission 17: Shades of Meaning

Shades of meaning worksheet

Citation generator

MyBib citation generator

Mission 18:Word Analogies

Analogies worksheets

Mission 19: Subject vs. Object Pronouns

Subject vs. object pronoun worksheets

Mission 20: Indefinite & Other Pronouns

Indefinite pronoun agreement worksheet

Reflexive pronoun worksheet

Mission 21: Progressive Tense

Progressive tense worksheets

Mission 22: Grammatical Mood

Grammatical mood worksheets

Mission 23: Participles & Infinitives

Participle worksheets

Infinitive worksheets

Mission 24: Clauses & Phrases

Clauses and phrases worksheets

Mission 25: Misplaced Modifiers

Misplaced modifier worksheet

Mission 26: Colons, Semicolons, Dashes & Parentheses

Colons, semicolons, and dashes worksheet

Mission 27: Parallel Structure

Parallel structure worksheet


Mission 28: Creative Writing Exercises

Creative writing exercises for middle school

Writing prompts for middle schoolers

Mission 29: Sentence Starters

Sentence Starters lesson

Mission 30: Passive Voice

Active/passive voice worksheet

Passive voice detector

How to communicate assertively

Mission 31: Concise Writing

Concise writing exercises

Hemingway app

Mission 32: Writing Business Email

How to write a business email

Mission 33: Writing Blog Posts

How to start a blog

Student blog posts

Snowboarding blog

Mission 34: Interview Essays

How to Write an Interview Paper with Examples

Mission 35: Podcasting 

Free music for your podcast

Student podcasts in the classroom (ideas appropriate for homeschooling, too)

Mission 36: Persuasive Speaking

Persuasive Literacy Speech

Whimsical Mind-Mapping Tool