The following resources are for purchasers of Training Aliens Level 2. If you purchased Training Aliens Level 2 from another vendor, click below to request digital downloads and access to video training.



Mission 1: Making Friends

*building friendships–not meeting people

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 2: Humility 


Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 3: Communication Boundaries

*oversharing, you can use books on talking too much

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 4: Kindness 

*helping others

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 5: Worry

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 6: Self-Control

*keeping still, not talking, not touching others (not addictions)

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 7: Grief

(loss of pet, grandparent, etc.; also helping others who are grieving)

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 8: Clutter

*messiness, but focused on controlling belongings

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 9: Respect

*respecting authority, not self-respect

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 10: Teasing

*includes name calling, joking, but not physical bullying

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 11: Leadership

*leading a group; servant leadership

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 12: Gossip

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 13: Focus 

*dealing with distractions; ADHD; paying attention

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 14: Responsibility 

*caring for a pet; not blaming others for your mistakes

Mission Links

Picture Books

*keeping good things a surprise; telling when someone is in danger, including yourself; online safety

Mission Links

Picture Books

Mission 16: Procrastination 

Mission Links

Picture Books

End of Level