Grammar Galaxy: Yellow StarĀ (Volume 3) is a complete language arts curriculum for elementary students (fourth graders or students who have completed ProtostarĀ or its equivalent).
Short, comical stories teach concepts in a memorable way. Students discover the havoc that ensues when the evil Gremlin tampers with the English language. Metaphors are sworn to tell the truth for jury duty on planet Sentence and become reality. Hackers Prefix and Suffix confuse the galaxy’s vocabulary. Everyone is using double negatives when the Buddy System on planet Vocabulary goes into effect.
The royal English children invite students to become fellow grammar guardians in order to save the galaxy from crises like these. Teachers or students read the text themselves. Vocabulary words are defined in the text. Discussion questions follow each lesson to check for understanding. Students then complete a corresponding mission in the mission manual that reinforces the concepts. Teachers provide as much help as necessary.
Grammar Galaxy: Yellow Star, the third in a series of language arts texts for first to sixth graders, teaches:
*literary concepts
*composition and speaking
Grammar Galaxy: Yellow StarĀ is a great choice for homeschoolers, teachers, and parents:
*Whose student is at the 4th grade level or above or has mastered Protostar skills
*Who want their student to have excellent reading, writing, and speaking skills
*Who want their student to spend less time doing seatwork and more time reading and writing
Homeschooling mother, Elizabeth, writes:You really did it. You truly made grammar fun. I didn’t think it was possible but you obviously deserve some kind of medal! THANK YOU!
Not sure if you should start with Yellow Star?
Review the scope and sequence of topics covered here.Ā
Take the brief placement quiz here.
Download a complete lesson of Yellow Star or other volumes to try here.
Email the author at if you still have questions.