Training Aliens Level 1 Text



This Training Aliens text is available in print or digital. The text is neutral and does not include the required secular or faith-based training manual.


Training Aliens teaches K-8th graders social and emotional skills in a fun, confidence-building way. NASA has asked Space Camp attendees to teach visiting aliens about making friends, managing emotions, and participating in groups as part of a test program.

When the aliens have difficulty with a skill, campers are given two common options to manage the behavior. Using a you-choose format, campers learn that both options are ineffective with humorous consequences.

After reading the story in this Training Aliens text, teachers lead campers through the related mission in the training manual (sold separately). Each mission includes three steps which may be taught on three separate days or combined to teach on one day. Curriculum includes free access to a supplementary video course (when this product is added to your cart).

Training Aliens, Level 1 is not an independent curriculum. It is best suited for younger students and families, co-ops, and classes learning foundational skills together.

Students grow in confidence as they learn skills they need to train aliens about:

meeting new people
managing frustration
joining a group
sibling rivalry
apologies & more




Training Aliens does not use worksheets to teach students who may already be challenged by them.

Instead, activities used to teach 16 lessons include:

  • discussion
  • video lessons (included with purchase)
  • challenges
  • dramatization
  • fables (secular)/Bible stories (faith-based)
  • quotes (secular)/Scriptures (faith-based)
  • picture books of your choice
  • games
  • space-camp activities & snack ideas

Frequently Asked Questions


Can students older or younger than K-8 use Training Aliens?

Yes. Older students can be asked to lead younger siblings or students in completing missions. Younger students can listen and participate as their maturity allows.

Can I use Training Aliens with one child?

Yes with some modifications. Children learn social and emotional skills best while interacting with others. Some activities can be completed with parents or teachers. Activities that work best for groups can be saved for days when friends or family are visiting. You may also wish to join a class or start a co-op with friends.

How long does Training Aliens take to teach?

Leading one mission per week for 16 weeks is a semester’s worth of lessons. You can also teach a lesson every other week for a year. All lessons and activities are optional, so the time it takes to teach will vary. You’ll also receive a planning form for adding your own activities. The curriculum can also be modified for use during Morning Basket or family devotional time.

Does each student need a training manual?

No. Unlike Grammar Galaxy, Training Aliens requires just one text and one training manual per family, classroom, or co-op group.

Am I allowed to make copies of the print training manual?

No. You’ll receive a PDF with forms that you’ll want to duplicate. You may make as many copies of the PDF forms as you need for your family, class, or group.

We are a Christian family but are limited to purchasing secular curriculum, or we want to make our own decisions about which Bible content to use.

No problem! Download this list of Bible stories and Scriptures taught in the Faith-Based Training Manual.

Will there be more levels to Training Aliens?

Yes! Two more levels are planned to teach intermediate and advanced emotional and social skills.

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